zenglServer源代码的相关地址:https://github.com/zenglong/zenglServer 当前版本对应的tag标签为:v0.19.0
如果是ubuntu系统,可以通过 sudo apt-get install libhiredis-dev 来安装hiredis相关的库和开发头文件等。
如果是centos系统,则可以通过 yum install hiredis-devel 来安装相关的底层库。
curl -L -o hiredis.zip https://github.com/redis/hiredis/archive/v0.13.3.zip unzip -d ./hiredis hiredis.zip cd hiredis/hiredis-0.13.3/ make -j sudo make install sudo ldconfig
使用源码编译安装时,还需要通过PKG_CONFIG_PATH环境变量来指定make install时,安装的hiredis.pc的位置(下面假设该文件位于/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/目录中):
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
要同时使用mysql,magick,pcre,curl,以及redis模块,可以使用 make USE_MYSQL=yes USE_MAGICK=6 USE_PCRE=yes USE_CURL=yes USE_REDIS=yes 命令。
[root@localhost zenglServerTest]# make USE_MYSQL=yes USE_MAGICK=6 USE_PCRE=yes USE_CURL=yes USE_REDIS=yes ............................................................ gcc -g3 -ggdb -O0 -std=c99 main.c http_parser.c module_request.c module_builtin.c module_session.c dynamic_string.c multipart_parser.c resources.c client_socket_list.c json.c randutils.c md5.c debug.c zlsrv_setproctitle.c main.h http_parser.h common_header.h module_request.h module_builtin.h module_session.h dynamic_string.h multipart_parser.h resources.h client_socket_list.h json.h randutils.h md5.h debug.h zlsrv_setproctitle.h module_mysql.c module_mysql.h module_magick.c module_magick.h module_pcre.c module_pcre.h module_curl.c module_curl.h module_redis.c module_redis.h zengl/linux/zengl_exportfuns.h -o zenglServer zengl/linux/libzengl.a crustache/libcrustache.a -lpthread -lm -DUSE_MYSQL `mysql_config --cflags --libs` -D USE_MAGICK=6 `pkg-config --cflags --libs Wand` -DUSE_PCRE `pcre-config --cflags --libs` -DUSE_CURL `curl-config --cflags --libs` -DUSE_REDIS `pkg-config --cflags --libs hiredis` mysql module is enabled!!! magick module is enabled!!! pcre module is enabled!!! curl module is enabled!!! redis module is enabled!!! [root@localhost zenglServerTest]#
/** * redisConnect模块函数,根据指定的ip地址,端口号等参数连接对应的redis服务器 * 第一个参数ip表示需要连接的redis服务器所在的ip地址或者主机名 * 第二个参数port表示需要连接的redis服务器的端口号 * 第三个参数context必须是引用类型,用于存储redis连接相关的上下文指针,通过该指针可以向redis服务器发送命令等 * 第四个参数error是可选参数,也必须是引用类型,当连接发生错误时,会将错误信息存储到该参数中 * 第五个参数timeout也是可选参数,表示连接超时时间,以秒为单位 * 如果该模块函数连接成功,会返回1,连接失败则返回0,并将连接失败的原因存储到第四个error参数中 * * 例如: * use builtin, redis; * * fun exit(error) print error; bltExit(); endfun if(!redisConnect("", 6379, &con, &error, 30)) exit(error); endif 上面这段代码会尝试连接ip地址为127.0.0.1,端口为6379的redis服务器,并设置了30秒的连接超时时间 如果连接成功,则会将连接相关的上下文指针存储到con变量,如果连接失败,则会将错误信息存储到error变量 */ ZL_EXP_VOID module_redis_connect(ZL_EXP_VOID * VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_INT argcount) { ZENGL_EXPORT_MOD_FUN_ARG arg = {ZL_EXP_FAT_NONE,{0}}; if(argcount < 3) zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"usage: redisConnect(ip, port, &context[, &error[, timeout]])"); zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,1,&arg); if(arg.type != ZL_EXP_FAT_STR) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the first argument [ip] of redisConnect must be string"); } char * ip = arg.val.str; zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,2,&arg); int port = 0; if(arg.type == ZL_EXP_FAT_INT) { port = (unsigned int)arg.val.integer; } else { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the second argument [port] of redisConnect must be integer"); } time_t timeout = 0; detect_arg_is_address_type(VM_ARG, 3, &arg, "third", "context", "redisConnect"); if(argcount > 3) { detect_arg_is_address_type(VM_ARG, 4, &arg, "fourth", "error", "redisConnect"); if(argcount > 4) { zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,5,&arg); if(arg.type != ZL_EXP_FAT_INT) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the fifth argument [timeout] of redisConnect must be integer"); } timeout = (time_t)arg.val.integer; } } redisContext * context = NULL; if(!timeout) { context = redisConnect((const char *)ip, port); } else { struct timeval tv = {0}; tv.tv_sec = timeout; context = redisConnectWithTimeout((const char *)ip, port, tv); } ZL_EXP_LONG retval = ZL_EXP_TRUE; if(context == NULL || context->err) { if(argcount > 3) { DYNAMIC_STRING errstr = {0}; if(context) { const char * err_const = "redisConnect error: "; dynamic_string_append(&errstr, (char *)err_const, strlen(err_const), 100); dynamic_string_append(&errstr, (char *)context->errstr, strlen(context->errstr), 100); } else { const char * err_const = "redisConnect can't allocate redis context"; dynamic_string_append(&errstr, (char *)err_const, strlen(err_const), 100); } set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 4, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, errstr.str, 0); dynamic_string_free(&errstr); } retval = ZL_EXP_FALSE; redisFree(context); context = NULL; } else { MAIN_DATA * my_data = zenglApi_GetExtraData(VM_ARG, "my_data"); int ret_code = resource_list_set_member(&(my_data->resource_list), context, module_redis_free_context_resource_callback); if(ret_code != 0) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG, "redisConnect add resource to resource_list failed, resource_list_set_member error code:%d", ret_code); } } set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, (ZL_EXP_LONG)context); zenglApi_SetRetVal(VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, ZL_EXP_NULL, retval, 0); }
/** * redisCommand模块函数,向redis服务器发送命令,并获取redis命令的执行结果 * 第一个参数context,是通过redisConnect模块函数获取到的和redis连接相关的上下文指针 * 第二个参数command,表示需要发送的redis命令,可以是字符串的形式,也可以是数组的形式 * 第三个参数result必须是引用类型,用于存储redis命令的执行结果 * 第四个参数is_null是可选参数,也必须是引用类型,用于表示执行结果是否为空 * 第五个参数error也是可选参数,也必须是引用类型,当命令执行出错时,会将出错信息存储到该参数中 * 第六个参数array_assoc也是可选参数,用于表示如果结果是数组类型的话,是否将其转换为哈希数组(使用字符串作为数组成员的key) * 如果redis命令执行成功,该模块函数会返回1,执行失败则返回0 * * 例如: use builtin, redis; def TRUE 1; def FALSE 0; fun exit(error) print error; bltExit(); endfun // 连接redis服务器 if(!redisConnect("", 6379, &con, &error, 30)) exit(error); endif // 向redis服务器发送 get name 命令 if(!redisCommand(con, "get name", &result, &is_null, &error)) exit(error); endif // 判断命令的执行结果是否为空,不为空则将结果打印出来 if(is_null) print '*** null ***'; else print result; endif // 以数组的形式发送命令:hset hash2 testname "say \"hello world!\"" if(!redisCommand(con, bltArray('hset', 'hash2', 'testname', 'say "hello world!"'), &result, &is_null, &error)) exit(error); else print result; endif // 执行命令 hgetall hash2 ,并将结果转为哈希数组 if(!redisCommand(con, "hgetall hash2", &result, &is_null, &error, TRUE)) exit(error); endif if(is_null) print '*** null ***'; else print result; // 循环将哈希数组中每个成员的键名和值打印出来 for(i=0;bltIterArray(result,&i,&k,&v);) print k + ':' + v; endfor endif */ ZL_EXP_VOID module_redis_command(ZL_EXP_VOID * VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_INT argcount) { ZENGL_EXPORT_MOD_FUN_ARG arg = {ZL_EXP_FAT_NONE,{0}}; if(argcount < 3) zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"usage: redisCommand(context, command, &result[, &is_null[, &error[, array_assoc]]])"); zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,1,&arg); if(arg.type != ZL_EXP_FAT_INT) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the first argument [context] of redisCommand must be integer"); } redisContext * context = (redisContext *)arg.val.integer; MAIN_DATA * my_data = zenglApi_GetExtraData(VM_ARG, "my_data"); if(!is_valid_redis_context(&(my_data->resource_list), context)) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"redisCommand runtime error: invalid context"); } zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,2,&arg); char * command = NULL; ZENGL_EXPORT_MEMBLOCK command_memblock = {0}; if(arg.type == ZL_EXP_FAT_STR) { command = arg.val.str; } else if(arg.type == ZL_EXP_FAT_MEMBLOCK) { command_memblock = arg.val.memblock; } else { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the second argument [command] of redisCommand must be string or array"); } ZL_EXP_LONG array_assoc = ZL_EXP_FALSE; detect_arg_is_address_type(VM_ARG, 3, &arg, "third", "result", "redisCommand"); if(argcount > 3) { detect_arg_is_address_type(VM_ARG, 4, &arg, "fourth", "is_null", "redisCommand"); if(argcount > 4) { detect_arg_is_address_type(VM_ARG, 5, &arg, "fifth", "error", "redisCommand"); if(argcount > 5) { zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,6,&arg); if(arg.type != ZL_EXP_FAT_INT) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the sixth argument [array_assoc] of redisCommand must be integer"); } array_assoc = arg.val.integer; } } } redisReply * reply = NULL; ZL_EXP_INT memblock_valid_count = 0; if(command != NULL) { reply = redisCommand(context, command); } else { reply = st_redis_set_command_by_array(VM_ARG, context, command_memblock, &memblock_valid_count); } ZL_EXP_LONG retval = ZL_EXP_TRUE; ZL_EXP_LONG is_null = ZL_EXP_FALSE; if(reply == NULL) { char error_str[300] = {0}; if(argcount > 4) { if(memblock_valid_count <= 0) { snprintf(error_str, 300, "redisCommand error: command array invalid count: %d", memblock_valid_count); set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 5, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, (char *)error_str, 0); } else { snprintf(error_str, 300, "redisCommand error: reply is null"); set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 5, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, (char *)error_str, 0); } } set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, 0); retval = ZL_EXP_FALSE; } else if(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { if(argcount > 4) { DYNAMIC_STRING errstr = {0}; const char * err_const = "redisCommand error: "; dynamic_string_append(&errstr, (char *)err_const, strlen(err_const), 100); dynamic_string_append(&errstr, reply->str, strlen(reply->str), 100); set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 5, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, errstr.str, 0); dynamic_string_free(&errstr); } set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, 0); retval = ZL_EXP_FALSE; } else if(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING || reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS) { set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, reply->str, 0); } else if(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) { set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, (ZL_EXP_LONG)reply->integer); } else if(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL) { set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, 0); is_null = ZL_EXP_TRUE; } else if(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) { ZENGL_EXPORT_MEMBLOCK memblock = {0}; ZENGL_EXPORT_MOD_FUN_ARG memblock_arg = {ZL_EXP_FAT_NONE,{0}}; if(zenglApi_CreateMemBlock(VM_ARG,&memblock,0) == -1) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,zenglApi_GetErrorString(VM_ARG)); } int step = 1; if(array_assoc) step = 2; for(int i = 0; i < reply->elements; i += step) { int n = i; if(array_assoc) n = i + 1; switch(reply->element[n]->type) { case REDIS_REPLY_STRING: case REDIS_REPLY_STATUS: memblock_arg.type = ZL_EXP_FAT_STR; memblock_arg.val.str = reply->element[n]->str; break; case REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER: memblock_arg.type = ZL_EXP_FAT_INT; memblock_arg.val.integer = (ZL_EXP_LONG)reply->element[n]->integer; break; default: memblock_arg.type = ZL_EXP_FAT_INT; memblock_arg.val.integer = 0; break; } if(array_assoc && reply->element[i]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STRING) { zenglApi_SetMemBlockByHashKey(VM_ARG, &memblock, reply->element[i]->str, &memblock_arg); } else { zenglApi_SetMemBlock(VM_ARG, &memblock, (i+1), &memblock_arg); } } arg.type = ZL_EXP_FAT_MEMBLOCK; arg.val.memblock = memblock; zenglApi_SetFunArg(VM_ARG,3,&arg); } else { if(argcount > 4) { char error_str[300] = {0}; snprintf(error_str, 300, "redisCommand error: invalid reply type: %d", reply->type); set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 5, ZL_EXP_FAT_STR, (char *)error_str, 0); } set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 3, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, 0); retval = ZL_EXP_FALSE; } if(argcount > 3) { set_arg_value(VM_ARG, 4, ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, NULL, is_null); } freeReplyObject(reply); zenglApi_SetRetVal(VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, ZL_EXP_NULL, retval, 0); }
/** * redisFree模块函数,将redis连接相关的上下文指针,对应的资源给释放掉 * 第一个参数context表示需要释放的redis连接相关的上下文指针 */ ZL_EXP_VOID module_redis_free(ZL_EXP_VOID * VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_INT argcount) { ZENGL_EXPORT_MOD_FUN_ARG arg = {ZL_EXP_FAT_NONE,{0}}; if(argcount < 1) zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"usage: redisFree(context)"); zenglApi_GetFunArg(VM_ARG,1,&arg); if(arg.type != ZL_EXP_FAT_INT) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"the first argument [context] of redisFree must be integer"); } redisContext * context = (redisContext *)arg.val.integer; MAIN_DATA * my_data = zenglApi_GetExtraData(VM_ARG, "my_data"); if(!is_valid_redis_context(&(my_data->resource_list), context)) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG,"redisFree runtime error: invalid context"); } redisFree(context); int ret_code = resource_list_remove_member(&(my_data->resource_list), context); if(ret_code != 0) { zenglApi_Exit(VM_ARG, "redisFree remove resource from resource_list failed, resource_list_remove_member error code:%d", ret_code); } zenglApi_SetRetVal(VM_ARG,ZL_EXP_FAT_INT, ZL_EXP_NULL, ZL_EXP_TRUE, 0); }
use builtin, redis; def TRUE 1; def FALSE 0; fun exit(error) print error; bltExit(); endfun if(bltIsRunInCmd()) bltSetImmediatePrint(TRUE); print 'now in cmd'; endif // 连接redis服务器 if(!redisConnect("", 6379, &con, &error, 30)) exit(error); endif // 向redis服务器发送 get name 命令 if(!redisCommand(con, "get name", &result, &is_null, &error)) exit(error); endif // 判断命令的执行结果是否为空,不为空则将结果打印出来 if(is_null) print '*** null ***'; else print result; endif // 以数组的形式发送命令:hset hash2 testname "say \"hello world!\"" if(!redisCommand(con, bltArray('hset', 'hash2', 'testname', 'say "hello world!"'), &result, &is_null, &error)) exit(error); else print result; endif // 执行命令 hgetall hash2 ,并将结果转为哈希数组 if(!redisCommand(con, "hgetall hash2", &result, &is_null, &error, TRUE)) exit(error); endif if(is_null) print '*** null ***'; else print result; // 循环将哈希数组中每个成员的键名和值打印出来 for(i=0;bltIterArray(result,&i,&k,&v);) print k + ':' + v; endfor endif redisFree(con);
[root@localhost zenglServerTest]# ./zenglServer -r "/v0_19_0/test_redis.zl" now in cmd redisConnect error: Connection refused [root@localhost zenglServerTest]# redis-server /etc/redis.conf [root@localhost zenglServerTest]# ./zenglServer -r "/v0_19_0/test_redis.zl" now in cmd *** null *** 0 [array or class obj type] testname:say "hello world!" [root@localhost zenglServerTest]#
可以看到,在没有启动redis时,脚本会返回"Connection refused"连接被拒绝的错误。当启动redis后,脚本就可以通过redis模块来设置和获取redis的缓存数据了。
—— 萧伯纳